San Diego Students Showcase Public Speaking Skills During Teen Speaking Skills Summer 2012 Speech Contests

Three Teen Speaking Skills graduates earned donations for charity during the summer teen and pre-teen graduation speech contests this past Saturday in San Diego at Taste of Italy Del Mar.

The San Diego students were celebrating the completion of an 8 week public speaking skills course. The students showcased their public speaking skills as they competed in persuasive charity speech contests.

Pre-teen graduates Hanoom Lee and Daniel Kalotov tied for 1st place, earning donations for Compassion and the San Diego Food Bank. Priam Chaganlal won 1st place in the teen speech contest and earned a donation for charity: water. Congratulations, graduates!

The Teen Speaking Skills fall public speaking skills classes will begin on Sept. 15 & 29, 2012. For more information on course dates and times and to register your child, please use the Registration tab above to visit the Teen Speaking Skills registration page.



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