Academy for Public Speaking Courses & Camps

Academy for Public Speaking Graduate
We offer 8 session courses and 1 week camps for teens and pre-teens from 3rd-12th grade. Courses and camps include public speaking, advanced public speaking, creative communication, and debate.
Courses consist of 8 one hour sessions, which meet on a weekly basis. Holiday and summer camps meet 4-5 days for 2 hours per day with a 15 minute break.
Class size is limited to a maximum 10-15 participants to ensure all students receive individualized attention and opportunities to be actively involved during each session.
“The Academy for Public Speaking course made my son come out of his shell. He really impressed me with what he learned and the confidence he now shows. Kathleen, thanks for your efforts. We will have him continue the classes.” Gus Villasenor
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Public Speaking

Academy for Public Speaking Graduate
The Academy for Public Speaking empowers children to become confident, effective communicators. Whether your child is shy or expressive, experienced or new to public speaking, the Academy for Public Speaking provides a unique, safe, and fun learning environment where your child can practice and enhance his or her public speaking and leadership skills.
Our pre-teen courses are designed specifically for 3rd-6th grade students. The curriculum covers the same content as out teen courses, but the concepts are presented at an age appropriate cognitive level for students in the upper elementary grade levels.

Academy for Public Speaking Teen Class at the Hampton Inn Del Mar
Speech projects in level one include introduction, storytelling, inspirational, and persuasive. In addition to writing and delivering prepared speeches, students also have opportunities to develop and practice their leadership skills through filling various meeting roles such as President, Timer, and Ah/Um Eliminator. The following communication skills are also addressed.
The Importance of First Impressions & Introductions – how to make great ones
Speech Structure & Topics – organization, writing skills, message, use of stories
Introductions, Delivery Techniques & Conclusions – effective methods, common errors, connecting with an audience
Building & Projecting Confidence – practice is the key

Academy for Public Speaking Graduate
Non-Verbal Communication – eye contact, gestures, facial expressions
Verbal Communication – volume, rate, tone, variety, expression, emotion, power
Storytelling & Leveraging Language – painting pictures, dialogue, transitions
Inspiring Audiences – enthusiasm, excitement, passion, confidence, sincerity
Persuasive Speaking – articulating ideas and evoking emotion
Effective Evaluations – providing feedback in a friendly, helpful, positive manner
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Advanced Public Speaking
The advanced course is for students who have graduated from our level one course or have prior experience with public speaking. This challenging course builds directly upon the knowledge, skills, and confidence the students developed during the level one course.
Speech projects in the advanced course include impromptu, improv, vocal variety, facial expressions & emotion, gestures & whole body movement, visual aids, and entertaining techniques. Students learn to give speeches using key word notes only and without using any notes at all. Students have opportunities to enhance their evaluation and leadership skills through providing feedback for their peers and filling various meeting roles. The following communication skills are addressed.

Academy for Public Speaking Graduate
Dynamic & Dramatic Delivery Strategies
Timing Techniques – Powerful Pauses
Maximizing Vocal Variety – Emphasis, Emotion, Volume, Rate, Pitch & Tone
Incorporating Body Language – Facial Expressions, Gestures, Whole Body Movement, Use of the Stage
Audience Centered Strategies
Presenting Speeches with Key Word Notes Only and Without Notes
Impressive Impromptu Speeches & Short Answer Responses
Entertaining Audiences – How to Use Humor, Drama & Creativity
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Debate Course
Your child will gain confidence and have fun while developing essential communication skills. During this highly interactive course, students present speeches and participate in debates. Through prepared presentations and impromptu communication, students practice speaking clearly and confidently while using good volume, an appropriate rate, vocal variety, and enthusiasm.
In addition to learning the structure of debates and effective presentation techniques, students also learn how to research their topics, build their cases with reasoning, evidence, and emotion, cross examine their opponents, and present effective rebuttal arguments. During debates, students use evidence, logic, and emotion to persuade the judges.
Your child will enhance his or her organization and writing skills by creating key word outlines and taking notes. Other benefits include developing listening skills and learning to respectfully express a different point of view. Your child will enjoy opportunities to express his or her personality and creativity during this fun, interactive course.
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Speech Contests
Competitive public speaking is one of the most effective ways for your child to improve his or her public speaking skills. Academy for Public Speaking graduates have won over $40,000 in cash prizes and scholarships from competing in speech contests!
During this advanced course, your child will learn and apply scriptwriting techniques by planning speeches based on a variety of contest topics. Students learn the scoring criteria for several local contests to understand how judges rate speakers. Students also learn and practice presentation strategies used by professional speakers and world champions. Additionally, award winning guest speakers visit to share their speeches and expertise.
Opportunities for participating in speech contests and presenting at community events will be provided. Participating in our Speech Contests Course will give your child the unique opportunity to learn and apply the strategies and secrets of highly successful public speakers!
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Master Level Public Speaking

Academy for Public Speaking Graduate – Hanrui Zhang
The masters course is for graduates of the advanced public speaking course. The masters course provides opportunities for advanced graduates to learn new techniques to deliver more powerful speeches as they continue to improve their confidence, public speaking, and leadership skills.
Masters level students complete a self evaluation and set individual goals based upon the results of their self assessment. The class lessons are customized based on the specific goals of the students.
The students’ speeches are videotaped for them to review at home. The students learn the 4 Step Review Method, which is one of the most powerful tools for improving public speaking skills.
The students also learn how to prepare and deliver longer speech projects with an emphasis on incorporating advanced techniques into their speeches.
The masters course provides additional opportunities for the students to practice their extemporaneous speaking, evaluation, and leadership skills through responding to impromptu questions, giving speech evaluations, and filling various meeting roles. The masters course also reinforces the concepts the students have learned as they practice and refine their skills.
Schedule & Registration
Private Courses
If our current class schedule is not compatible with your child’s schedule, forming a private class is another option. Private classes are available for groups of 4 or more students. The schedule for private classes is customized based on the needs of your group. The fee for our private courses is $499 per student. To schedule a private course, please contact the Academy for Public Speaking.