Teen Speaking Skills Fall Classes Begin Sept. 29th in San Diego

The Teen Speaking Skills fall public speaking classes will begin on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012 in San Diego. The fall classes will be held at the Hampton Inn Del Mar. The pre-teen speaking skills class will be from 12-1 p.m. and the teen speaking skills class will be held from 10:45-11:45 a.m.

In the level one course, the students gain confidence as they improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. The students learn how to write and present effective, interesting speeches. In addition to presenting an introduction speech, the speech projects also include storytelling, inspirational, and persuasive speeches.

The students also practice their impromptu speaking skills and learn how to give speech evaluations to their peers in a helpful, friendly manner. The classes are fun and highly interactive. The students take turns leading the class as the President and filling the other leadership roles.

The advanced Teen Speaking Skills class will begin this Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012. The level one class is a prerequisite for the advanced speaking skills class. However, if your child has experience with public speaking, he or she may qualify to begin in the advanced speaking skills class.

In the advanced class, the students learn to use gestures, body language, facial expressions, and vocal variety to enhance their message. The students experiment with adding emotion and dramatic and humorous elements to their speeches. They also learn how to give speeches without relying on scripts or notes.

For more information on course dates and times or to register your child, please visit the Teen Speaking Skills registration page. If you would like to schedule a meeting with us to determine the best placement for your child, please contact Teen Speaking Skills.

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