Teen Speaking Skills Students Shine During Showcase Speech Event


The Teen Speaking Skills students who recently completed the eight session course to improve their confidence, leadership, and public speaking skills celebrated their achievements during their graduation event on January 29, 2011. 

First, the teenagers showcased their enhanced communication skills as they presented persuasive charity speeches and competed to win a $25 donation for the charity of their choice.  The students spoke passionately as they shared which charity they selected and why that charity is close to their heart.  The outward philanthropic focus was selected by course instructor Kathleen Behrens to help the students overcome any nervousness and realize they have the power to positively influence the world with their communication skills.

During the second part of the graduation event, the teenagers were individually recognized and honored for their accomplishments.  Throughout the eight session course each student improved his or her public speaking skills by preparing and presenting four speech projects.  The students also took turns being the President and leading the meetings.

The graduation ceremony concluded with the presentation of the awards for first and second place and the grand prize.  Congratulations to Charu Sinha who won second place with her speech “Health is Wealth.”  Congratulations to Aathmika Krishnan for winning first place with her speech “Easier to Live,” which honored her late grandfather.  Aathmika also won the grand prize of a $25 donation from Teen Speaking Skills for her charity, the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

Teen Speaking Skills was founded to help teenagers become confident, effective communicators.  The February and March sessions are currently underway.  The next Teen Speaking Skills sessions will begin during the third week of April.  In addition to week day and weekend sessions of the teen basic course, an advanced course for teens, a pre-teen course for third through fifth grade students, and an interview skills course for high school students will be offered as well.  For additional information on course dates and times, please visit the Teen Speaking Skills registration page.

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