Teen Speaking Skills Students in San Diego Speak to Show Support for Children with Cancer

Can elementary school children in San Diego inspire positive change for fellow children from California to China? Can they make a difference in the lives of children who suffer from cancer? Can they change the lives of adults and animals who are hungry? Absolutely!

Speaking Skills Graduates October 2012

1st-3rd Grade Graduates - October 24, 2012

Last week during the fall 2012 Teen Speaking Skills graduations at After School Learning Tree in San Diego students from 1st – 5th grade showcased their public speaking skills as they competed in persuasive charity speech contests to raise money for their favorite charities.

The students spoke on behalf of organizations such as the San Diego Food Bank, the San Diego Boys & Girls Club, and the San Diego Humane Society. Although many students selected local chapters, one of the first grade students chose to speak about helping children in China.

Congratulations to 1st place winners Nicole Su and Irene Huang for winning the persuasive charity speech contests and donations for The Humane Society & The Pediatric Cancer Foundation!

Teen Speaking Skills Graduation October 24, 2012

2nd-6th Grade Girls After Their Graduation

If you would like for your child to develop the confidence and communication skills necessary to ensure a brighter future and make our world a better place, please visit www.TeenSpeakingSkills.com for more details about our courses.


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