Teen Speaking Skills Instructor Kathleen Petrone Wins Excelsior Toastmasters Tall Tales Speech Contest in San Diego

Telling Tall Tales to fellow Toastmasters is a terrific way to spend a Tuesday night in sunny San Diego! How’s that for giving the tongue a twist?

Excelsior Toastmasters, an Advanced Toastmasters club in San Diego, meets once a month on the second Tuesday in the evening from 6:00-8:30 p.m. at El Fandango in Old Town. Although members must have earned a Toastmasters Advanced Communication Award, guests are always welcome to visit and join in the fun.

Last night Excelsior’s members competed in the Fall 2012 Speech Contests at the club level for Evaluation and Tall Tales. Congratulations to Excelsior’s President Richard Dial for winning first place in the Evaluation Contest!

Teen Speaking Skills Instructor Kathleen Petrone was extremely excited and proud of winning first place in the Tall Tales Speech Contest. “This was my first time competing in the Tall Tales Contest because Toastmasters doesn’t always include this category every year. I had a great time telling a really tall tale!”

Richard and Kathleen will advance and compete in the Toastmasters Area Level Contests in San Diego in September.

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