San Diego Speech & Debate Students Graduate from Teen Speaking Skills Class

Last week San Diego teenagers celebrated their successful completion of an eight week speech and debate class offered by Teen Speaking Skills. The public speaking skills course was taught by Teen Speaking Skills founder and Distinguished Toastmaster Kathleen Petrone.

During the eight week course the students gained confidence as they learned how to develop and deliver powerful speeches. The students also practiced giving speech evaluations and impromptu responses.

Participating in individual and team debates also provided opportunities for the students to sharpen their research and communication skills. The students learned and applied numerous debate techniques throughout the course.

The Teen Speaking Skills fall courses will begin on Sept. 29, 2012. For course times & registration, please visit the Teen Speaking Skills registration page.

The pre-teen public speaking skills course will also be offered through the Del Mar School District as an after school enrichment class. Registration will be available through DMUSD beginning on Aug. 29, 2012.

Please contact us if you would like to know which day the course will be offered your child’s school. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

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