San Diego Toastmaster & World Championship Semi-Finalist Inspires Teen Speaking Skills Students

Toastmasters World Championship Semi-Finalist Jimmy Thai of San Diego visited the fall Teen Speaking Skills students last month to share his latest amazing, inspirational speech, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling. Jimmy also shared about his experience competing at the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking and how he prepares his speeches.

San Diego Toastmaster Jimmy Thai visits Teen Speaking Skills students

San Diego Toastmasters Jimmy Thai & Kathleen Petrone, Fall Teen Speaking Skills Students

The Teen Speaking Skills students and their parents listened intently as Jimmy first shared how his culture and own upbringing initially influenced how he chose to discipline his daughter. However, after reflecting upon how his previous style negatively affected their relationship, Jimmy revised his views and changed his parenting style.

Jimmy is a masterful speaker and storyteller whose powerful speeches always evoke emotion and often goosebumps as well. From arriving in the United States as a Vietnam refugee who didn’t speak any English to becoming a highly successful businessman and a semi-finalist at the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, Jimmy’s speeches always warm the heart and inspire others to believe anything is possible.

Give your child the gift of learning at an early age our voices are powerful tools we can use to not only achieve our own goals and dreams, but also to inspire others and make our world a better place.

For more information on our winter 2013 public speaking skills classes for teens and pre-teens and to register your child, please visit the Teen Speaking Skills registration page.

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