Academy for Public Speaking Graduates Inspire San Diego Audience at Spring Forward Music Festival

Academy for Public Speaking graduates shared inspirational speeches at the Spring Forward Music Festival

Pranathi – One Drop at a Time

Academy for Public Speaking graduates Chloe, Yousif, Pranathi, Sudeepti, Sara, and Megan shared powerful inspirational speeches yesterday afternoon during the Spring Forward Music Festival at Grape Day Park in Escondido to celebrate spring and encourage San Diego citizens to do their part to take care of our environment.

Chloe and Pranathi presented passionate speeches entitled Water Equals Life and One Drop at a Time to address the water supply crisis and concerns we face in San Diego and share solutions for conserving and maximizing this precious, essential resource.

Academy for Public Speaking graduates shared inspirational speeches at the Spring Forward Music Festival

Chloe & Yousif with Kathleen Petrone

Yousif, Sudeepti, Sara, and Megan shared amazing inspirational speeches entitled Eco-Friendly, Time to Commit to the 3 Rs, Junk Mail, and Recycling to encourage audience members to lead responsible and environmentally friendly lives by reducing, reusing, and recycling whenever possible.

Through participating in our public speaking and leadership programs in San Diego, these young Academy for Public Speaking graduates have not only learned how to be confident, effective communicators, but they have also embraced an opportunity to apply the most important message we teach – your voice is a powerful tool you can use to make a positive difference in our world!

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