Teen Speaking Skills President Kathleen Petrone to Compete in San Diego Toastmasters Tall Tales Speech Contest

In the San Diego Toastmasters world, it’s high time for telling some mighty tall tales. It’s also time to take the tall tales speech competition to the next level, which means you should definitely not believe everything you hear!

A tall tales speech involves telling a story of a highly improbable nature. Tall tales are often quite humorous as well. The saying, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!” could definitely apply to an entertaining tall tale.

After winning 1st place in the club level speech contests at Excelsior Toastmasters and Torrey Pines Toastmasters, Teen Speaking Skills Founder & President Kathleen Petrone has chosen to represent Torrey Pines Toastmasters by competing in the Area 24 speech contest in the Northern Division of San Diego.

The Area 24 speech contest will be held on Sunday, June 30, 2012 at Celgene. Celgene is located at 4550 Town Centre Ct 92121. The contest is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. For more details or to receive a copy of the contest flyer, please contact Teen Speaking Skills.

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