Teen Speaking Skills Winter 2012 Graduates to Star in Speech Contests

Teen Speaking Skills graduates will showcase their public speaking skills on Saturday, March 24, 2012 during three graduation speech competitions in San Diego. During the first competition, the pre-teen students who have just finished the first course will compete in a persuasive charity speech contest.

The goal of the persuasive charity speech is to help the children realize their voice is a powerful tool they can use to make a positive impact on their world. The outward focus also helps new speakers overcome any nervousness they may feel as they gain experience speaking before audiences.

During the second and third speech contests, the pre-teen advanced and teen advanced Teen Speaking Skills graduates will amuse their audience as they present their entertaining speeches.

After the speeches, the students will be individually recognized and honored for their achievements. In both courses the students presented four different types of speeches as they improved their confidence and communication skills. The ceremony will conclude with the presentation of the awards for each speech competition.

The graduation will be held in the auditorium at VisionPulse, which is located at 10211 Pacific Mesa Blvd in San Diego. Guests are welcome to begin arriving for seating at 12:00 p.m. The event will begin at 12:15 p.m.

Members of the community are invited to attend. However, an RSVP is required to ensure adequate seating. Please click here to submit your RSVP, and be sure to include the number of people in your party. You will receive a confirmation email with directions to the venue. Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

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