Academy for Public Speaking Graduate Shares Torrey Pines High School Commencement Speech

Congratulations to Chloe Stevenson! I met Chloe in the fall of 2012 when she was a sweet, but very shy elementary student who was reluctant to speak and use her voice to express herself.

By participating in Academy for Public Speaking courses, Chloe gained tremendous confidence and began expressing herself effectively. Since then Chloe has competed in numerous speech contests, excelled in her academic endeavors, and powerfully embraced positions of leadership.

Chloe has generously supported the Academy for Public Speaking in a variety of ways from sharing video testimonials to being a special guest speaker at events to participating in a photo shoot to promote the Academy for Public Speaking.

In 2014 Chloe shared her story during the Confidence is Key! book launch party and I am honored to have Chloe featured on the cover of my first book Confidence is Key! 12 Amazing Ways Public Speaking Empowers Your Child.

Chloe is an extremely powerful and inspirational individual, and we are so proud of Chloe and all of her achievements! 🙂

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