Teen Speaking Skills Graduate Austin Zhang Wins 1st Place in the San Diego Lions Club Region Speech Contest

Teen Speaking Skills graduate Austin Zhang wins the 2013 San Diego Lions Club Coast Region Speech Contest

Austin Zhang wins 1st place!

He steps up to the plate. He speaks… and he scores again! Congratulations to Teen Speaking Skills graduate Austin Zhang for winning $325 and his 3rd speech contest so far this year with the Lions Clubs in San Diego!

Austin previously competed in the Encinitas Lions Club Speech Contest where he won 1st place and $75. Then Austin competed in the Lions Club Coast Zone Contest where he won 1st place and $100. Today Austin won 1st place and a check for $150.

Next Austin will compete in the San Diego Lions Club District Contest at the San Diego Blind Community Center on Saturday, April 27, 2013 to win a $4,500 scholarship.

At the final two levels of the Lions Club Speech Contests, the prizes are a $6,500 scholarship and a $10,000 scholarship. Good Luck, Austin!

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